MS200 BIO (Zinc and Sulfur)
MS-200® represents a new concept of formulation, based on a special combination of elemental sulfur and the Trace elements molybdenum Represents a totally new concept of nutrition to fortify the plant and improve the qualitative and quantitative results of crops.
Promotes metabolite translocation
MS-200® prevents and treats biotic and abiotic stresses.
Crops: vine, apple, peach, nectarines, tomato, artichoke, strawberry, flowers, cherry, kiwi, eggplant, cucumber, bell pepper, melon, watermelon, courgette ornamental, cereals, industrial crops.
Foliar application: 400 grams per 100 liters of water. We recommend 2-3 applications at intervals of 7-10 days. Increase the dosage to 5-6 kg/ha to improve the reactivity of the plant to stress. Applications during vegetative rest: Cherry, table grapes: 400-500 grams per 100 liters of water. Wet sufficient amount of water.
Fertigation: 4-6 kg/ha.
Technical Sheet