The company AFOI LEFA OE || LEFASAGRI is active in the import of fertilizers, special nutrition products, bioactive preparations, biostimulants for various crops, and in the distribution of beneficial insects. Modern plant nutrition requires innovative formulations, high scientific training and sustainable environmentally friendly practices.


Super Soluble Fertilizer

EC Fertilizers
NPK Fertilizers with Magneseum & Micronutriens
FERTIL DRIP LINE products are fertilizers obtained from raw materials of the best quality, solubility and purity. The high concentration of nutritional elements makes these formulations specific for any type of cultivation.
Moreover, the quality of the formulations is enhanced by the presence of a high percentage of micronutrients chelated with EDTA.
Unequalled for its manufacturing and raw materials (no chlorides, sulphates and carbonates), microcrystalline, the FERTIL DRIP LINE can be used in fertigation with any equipment of your farm.
All the products of FERTIL DRIP LINE are rich in micronutriens, which guarantee the effective vehiculation and acidification in the plant and exalt the quality of these products.

Fertil DripNitricAmmoniumUreicAzotoP2O5K2OMgOCuFeMnZn
 10-50-10 +TE-5.44.6105010-
 10-10-40 +TE10--101040-
 10-20-30 +TE5.24.8-102030-
 10-25-15 +TE-10-102515-

Recommended dosage and instructions:
FERTIL DRIP LINE products can be used in fertigation at the dose of 50-150kg. per ha of soil to be irrigated, and should be distributed in fractioned applications. The choice of the doses is linked to different causes and can be changed according to the user’s needs


Technical Sheet

Plant Nutrition Fertilizers Biostimulants Microrganisms Beneficials

Plant Nutrition Fertilizers Biostimulants Microrganisms Beneficials

Modern agriculture requires appropriate fertilizers, special nutrients, bioactive and biostimuland products, micro and macro organisms.


Specialised, environmental friendly, water - soluble fertilizers for intensive crops and hydpoponics

Bio Products

We offer, biological, special-nutrient products, which can be ideally used for any crop

Beneficial insects

Swirskii Mip, Nessidiocoris Mip, Andersoni, Orius, and other beneficial insects as well as Bombinas for pollination

Biostimulant products

Biostimulants products applied to plants with the aim to enhance nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance and crop quality traits, regardless of its nutrients content


Microrganisms The use of microrganisms along with fertilizers could reduce chemical fertilizer use to a large extent and as much as 50 % as they supplement the soil with essential nutrients.