General Information
The Polibiol hive enables optimal pollination and fruit formation in crops such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, melons, watermelons, courgettes, raspberries and strawberries, both in the greenhouse and outdoors, as well as fruit trees.
This cell guarantees excellent results, both for the quality of the bombs it contains and for the characteristics of the elements that make it up.
Double flight hole, with entry option and visibility point on the frame to facilitate the return of the bumblebees to the hive.
Larger capacity inner plastic box. Double side and overhead ventilation.
Intermediate air space.
Insulated outer carton box.
Well-developed colony, with queen, workers and brood.
Feeding system is more efficient and guaranteed for life of the hive. Backup food (sugar solution).
Insert the hives into the crops when there is flowering and enough pollen.
Place the hives in visible and accessible places. Place the hives on a flat and stable support, protected from sunlight and rain, as well as soil moisture, in a ventilated position and not hidden among vegetation. Avoid hive contact with plants to protect it from ants entering.
Do not open hives until 1 hour after placing in culture.
Do not close hives more than 4 days in a row.
Move the hives at night and with the entrance and exit holes closed.
The feeding system is more efficient and guarantees the life of the hive.
In case it is necessary to extend the pollination for a long time, regular replacing the cells.
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If you must make applications with crop protection products when you have the cells installed, follow the instructions on the product label, although as a precaution, apply at times when there are bombs. If in doubt, consult our technical service.
Technical Sheet